St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pemberton, founded on the deep faith commitment of the community, aims to develop in each child a sense of peace, security and dignity. Our school community calls to life the uniqueness of each child in meeting their educational and spiritual needs.

At Saint Joseph’s FAITH is our FOUNDATION.
- we use Jesus’ teachings as an example for the choices we make
- daily prayer and reflection is a fundamental component of our Catholic identity
- we aspire to live by Mary MacKillop’s motto- ‘never see a need without doing something about it’
- we respect each person’s dignity, remembering that every person is made in the image and likeness of God
Four PILLARS sit upon our foundation.
- we show tolerance and acceptance of others
- each individual has a voice in our school
- each individual is embraced for who they are
- we are polite and courteous
- we care for and are proud of our school environment
- we each strive for personal excellence
- we expect each individual to embrace opportunities provided for growth and leadership
- we support each other in taking responsibility for our own attitude and conduct
- students are supported by peers and adults
- all members of the school community feel physically and emotionally secure
- we foster an environment where healthy risk-taking is encouraged and supported
- we allow all people to be their authentic selves and we celebrate our differences
- we show kindness towards others
- we genuinely care about each other and actively assist those in need
- we actively engage in community service and social justice activities
- we encourage each individual to develop their own sense of spirituality